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The Bachelor of Arts in 食品研究 (BAFS) offers 通过对社会的分析,将实践技能建设和对粮食和农业的看法结合起来, 文化, 经济, 环境, 以及历史话题. The curriculum includes a yearlong sequence of applied, experiential, hands-on learning, and a capstone project. 学生准备在食品和农业的各个部门从事多方面的职业和专业工作, with the skill sets to address the practical, 经济, 社区, and social justice issues that are a hallmark of contemporary food systems jobs.
  • BA

食品研究是一个完美的学生谁想要跨学科课程的广度, from English to the Social Sciences, but also want the skills that come with business, 项目管理, agri文化 applications and culinary training. 粮食和生计是人类生活和经验中最重要的部门之一,需要广泛的知识才能在现代世界中工作和发展.

——爱丽丝·朱莉博士.D., director of the 食品研究 programs



Located 20 miles north of Pittsburgh and home to the Falk School of 可持续性 & 环境,波胆网站占地388英亩,零净伊甸园大厅校园是一个生活和学习的实验室. 教师和学生合作的项目涉及食品和可持续农业, 水, 能源与气候, 社区健康.

Explore the 食品研究 Degree:

  • Students have the opportunity to work in campus-based businesses, including Café Ann; the Kitchen Lab, which will provide product development in collaboration with scaled food businesses as well as pop-up restaurant training; campus food service; the Grains project wood-fired oven (developing bread, 披萨, and other event based opportunities).
  • BAFS students have access to a dedicated career counselor who provides support, 资源, 以及专门为福克学院本科生和研究生设计的学习机会. Offerings include: one-on-one consultations; professional development workshops and programs; and connecting students with alumni to provide opportunities for mentorship, 网络, 工作见习, informational interviewing, 实习, 和就业.
  • For students’ third year, 除非他们参加的大三体验活动要求他们住在其他地方, students live at 伊甸堂校园. EHC是一个生活和学习实验室,为BAFS学生提供尖端的农业空间和实践, demonstration kitchens, 水产养殖实验室, 果园, and other spaces conducive to the interdisciplinarity of food studies.
  • Through the courses Applied Agriculture 1 and 2 and Applied Culinary 1 and 2, 学生有两个学期的经验和分析跨越广泛的实践, such as beekeeping; tree care; seed saving; animal husbandry; pastry and bread making; fermentation; and other forms of food preservation.
  • Through the courses Nutrition and 社区 and 社区 and Food, students engage with local organizations; health and anti-hunger groups; and policy advocates who support the regional food economy.

FST 315: Food Access and Policy
If food is a basic human right, how do societies 创建 universal access to food? 本课程探讨了在全球不平等的情况下使公民食品安全的伦理基础. 主要议题包括私人与公共解决方案以及食物获取之间的关系, 性别, 文化 appropriateness, 营养, 可持续性, 和正义.

FST 215W: Global Foodways
在历史和当代背景下对区域或全球食物方式的战略性调查. Emphasis on anthropological understanding of food ways, 文化 studies critique of class, 性别, and family dynamics articulated via food, 以及应对移民和全球化的饮食文化的历史转变. 全球重点地区可能包括亚洲、非洲、北美地区和亚马逊地区.

FST 345: Applied Agri文化 Experience 1
专注于季节性农业生产,如树木护理,蜂蜜提取和种子保存. Weekly readings link basic agri文化 concepts to experiential learning, explored through observation logs (plant growth, 害虫的压力, 牧场的增长, 土壤肥力).  从夏末到初春,学生们对农业活动有了全面的了解. 

FST 365: Coffee: 历史, Politics, Practices
这门应用课程包括在当地不同商业模式的咖啡烘焙师的动手和实践经验. 参加者将在Eden Hall的Eden Hall学生合作咖啡馆接受包括拔罐在内的培训, 咖啡师, 品尝技巧. The correlated readings, 讨论, and assignments address challenging issues surrounding coffee, 包括劳动, 全球采购, 和标签.



If one word could best sum up Chatham's faculty, it would be engaged. Professors bring experiences to relate the course lessons to real-world situations.

Photo of Chatham University students walking through green fields at Eden Hall Farm.


The Rachel Carson 健康y Planet Award is a national award that includes a $5,000 scholarship to Chatham University. 该奖项将颁发给从美国每所高中和社区学院提名的一名学生,该学生体现了雷切尔·卡森的精神,致力于可持续发展和社区发展. Chatham offers many scholarships and grants to incoming first-year students, including the Rachel Carson Scholarship, a full-tuition scholarship renewable for a total of four years.

View 资金的机会 : Checkerboard 1 - 资金的机会


Eden Hall's 社区 bread oven began as a graduate student project. 弗兰基·威廉姆斯 Masters of 食品研究 student, wanted to build a gathering place on campus. "My favorite memories and times in my life,她说, "have been centered around food for as long as I can remember. Food brings people together." 

观看更多视频 : Checkerboard 2 - 校园社区

The Importance of the Eden Hall Residency

For students' third year, 除非他们参加大三的活动,需要住在其他地方, students live at 伊甸堂校园. EHC是一个生活和学习实验室,为BAFS学生提供尖端的农业空间和实践, demonstration kitchens, 水产养殖实验室, 果园, and other spaces conducive to the interdisciplinarity of food studies. Although residency at Eden Hall is only required during Year 3, 二年级和四年级的学生可以选择在伊甸堂生活和学习,以充分利用EHC为食品研究文学学士学生提供的无限机会.


The Junior Year Sequence

大三的时候, 学生有一系列的课程,使他们直接参与农业和烹饪实践,并在粮食系统和营养方面以社区为基础的工作. The junior year sequence makes use of 资源 including the Eden Hall Bread Oven; the Food Innovation Lab at the Center for Regional Agriculture, Food, and Transformation (CRAFT); teaching kitchen; agroecology demonstration garden; Food Bank farm; 果园 and apiaries; animals such as chickens, 鸭子, 和山羊, as well as faculty research on chocolate; coffee; regional grain production and bread; local social justice organizations; food and fermentation businesses; policy-making groups; and the regional food policy council.


Photo of a South Asian woman demonstrating how to cook, while a class observes

The Center for Regional Agriculture, Food, and Transformation

Photo of students in masks working in the 伊甸堂校园 Kitchen Lab

一个聚集的空间, 创建, 和协作, 伊甸园大厅校区的厨房实验室为学生和社区成员提供设备, 设施, 他们需要在一个完全手工操作的环境中学习食物生产的知识,而且非常美味, 太.


Chatham's Society of Ecological Restoration


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