David Barton

Hometown : Oxford, KS


Photography, Web design, Graphic design, Web developer, Coding, Photojournalism, Digital photography, and computer generated graphics.


Photography, Hiking, Biking, Outdoors, Animal observation, Woodworking and Gardening


I was born in the desert of Colorado while my parents were attending college. I moved back to Kansas that same year and grew up in the family's farming shadow. Attending Oxford High school, I found photography as a way to express myself. Woodworking as a way to make presents and computers as a way to have fun. Our little town was not much on a map then one of those second click spots to locate that it was even there. But it was plenty big enough to get my career started. With grandparents and parents in teaching I, of course, had to head off to a career of photojournalism. For 14 years it worked for me. Then the internet drew me away and onto another path for a bit. Working as a multimedia developer and traveling the country displaying various projects. This lead me back to teaching. Sharing what I had learned over the years and passing along the knowledge. 


  • MFA Chatham University (Pittsburgh, PA), 2005
  • B.A. Pittsburg State University (Pittsburg, KS) 1985